How To Clean An Outdoor Fountain

Cleaning an outdoor fountain is a simple yet vital maintenance task that must often be addressed. Over time, outdoor fountains can accumulate dirt, algae, and debris, detracting from their aesthetic appeal and affecting their functionality.

To maintain the beauty of your outdoor fountain and keep it as the main attraction in your garden or patio, it’s crucial to know how to clean it correctly. This guide will take you through a step-by-step journey of how to clean an outdoor fountain, ensuring it continues to sparkle and flow with tranquillity.

Effective Guide For How To Clean An Outdoor Fountain

Safety Gear:

Gloves: Protect hands from harmful substances, sharp edges, and abrasives in the fountain.

Goggles: Shield eyes from splashing water, cleaning solutions, and debris.

Ensures safety and effective cleaning without discomfort.

Turning Off Power Source:

  • Locate the power supply (outdoor socket).
  • Switch off power (unplug, circuit breaker, or dedicated switch).
  • Confirm deactivation.
  • Enables safe cleaning without the risk of electrical shock.
  • Cleaning Supplies Needed:
  • Bucket
  • Scrubbing brush
  • Soft-bristle brush
  • Microfiber or cleaning cloth
  • Mild soap or eco-friendly cleaning solution
  • Water hose or bucket of water
  • Old toothbrush (for intricate areas)
  • Rubber or waterproof gloves
  • Goggles or safety glasses

Emphasizing Eco-Friendly Cleaning Solutions:

  • Opt for mild soap or specifically labelled eco-friendly cleaning solutions.
  • Eco-friendly solutions are safer for the environment and aquatic life.
  • Steer clear of strong chemicals that can damage your outdoor environment.
  • Protect the environment while maintaining your fountain’s cleanliness.
Steer Clear of Strong Chemicals

Draining the Water from the Fountain:

Turn Off the Fountain:

Ensure the fountain is powered off and disconnected from the electrical source.

Prepare a Drainage Area:

Choose a safe area for water to flow, avoiding damage.

Locate the Drain Plug:

Find and access the drain plug or valve at the basin’s bottom.

Remove the Drain Plug:

Carefully unscrew or remove the plug, directing water to the chosen area.

Allow Water to Drain:

Wait for complete drainage, which may take time based on fountain size.

Tilt or Tip the Fountain (if needed):

Gently adjust to ensure complete water removal, avoiding damage.

Inspect the Basin:

Check for debris, algae, or sediment; remove with a cloth or brush.

Disconnecting Hoses or Pumps:

  • Ensures safety, preventing electrical hazards.
  • Promotes efficient drainage and prevents stagnation.
  • Facilitates separate inspection and cleaning.
  • Eases overall cleaning and maintenance process.
Promotes Efficient Drainage

In conclusion, disconnecting hoses and pumps before draining the water enhances safety and efficiency while maintaining your outdoor fountain.

Methods for Removing Debris:

Manual Removal:

Use hands or a slight rake to skim the water’s surface.

Skimmer or Net:

  • Invest in a pond or fountain cleaning skimmer with fine mesh.
  • It efficiently scoops up debris, which is ideal for more giant fountains or scattered debris.

Leaf Blower:

  • Use a leaf blower on a low setting to clear debris around the fountain.
  • It makes manual collection or skimming easier.

Regular Maintenance:

Consistently check and clean your fountain to prevent debris buildup.

Trim Nearby Plants:

Prune trees or shrubs to reduce falling leaves and twigs.

Shrubs to Reduce Falling Leaves

Tips for Using a Net or Skimmer:

Choose the Right Tool:

  • Select a net or skimmer with fine mesh and a long handle.
  • Work Slowly and Carefully:
  • Move the tool slowly to collect debris without splashing.

Empty the Net Regularly:

Dispose of collected debris to keep the tool efficient.

Clean the Net:

After each use, make sure to rinse or clean the net to ensure it continues to work effectively.

Proper Storage:

To prevent damage and mold, store the tool in a dry area.


Be cautious with long-handled tools to prevent accidents.

Following these methods and tips, you can effectively maintain your outdoor fountain’s cleanliness and functionality by removing leaves, twigs, and other debris.

Cleaning the Fountain’s Surface and Interior:

Surface Cleaning:

  • Turn off and disconnect the fountain from the power source for safety.
  • Remove loose debris using a net or your hands.
  • Combine warm water with a few drops of gentle liquid detergent in a bucket, avoiding harsh chemicals.
  • Gently scrub the exterior with a soft cloth or scrub brush, focusing on stains, algae, or dirt.
  • Thoroughly rinse with a hose to eliminate any soap residue.
  • For detailed or intricate areas, utilize a toothbrush.
  • Let the surface air dry completely before restarting the fountain.
Let the Surface Air Dry Completely

Interior Cleaning:

  • Depending on the design, take out the pump or decorative elements from inside the basin.
  • Carefully drain any remaining water by tilting or using a sponge.
  • Clean visible dirt or algae with the soapy water solution and a soft cloth or brush, ensuring thorough coverage.
  • Rinse the interior to remove soap residue.
  • Inspect and clean the pump separately per the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Reassemble and reconnect components once everything is clean and dry.

Using a Soft Brush or Cloth for Delicate Materials:

  • Delicate materials like ceramic, glass, or specific stones require gentle cleaning methods:
  • Choose a soft-bristle brush or a non-abrasive cloth.
  • Apply mild pressure while scrubbing to prevent any damage to the surface.
  • Test a small area first to ensure the cleaning solution won’t harm the material.
  • Rinse promptly to eliminate any soap residue.
  • Carefully dry with a soft cloth to prevent the formation of water spots.

By using a soft brush or cloth and following these precautions, you can effectively clean your outdoor fountain’s surface and interior, preserving delicate materials and ensuring its long-lasting beauty.

Removing Stubborn Stains and Algae Buildup:

Prioritize Safety:

Wear safety gear like gloves and goggles.

Turn Off the Fountain:

Make sure it’s disconnected from the power source.

Stain Removal:

  • Identify the stain type (mineral deposits, rust, organic).
  • For mineral deposits, use a 1:1 mixture of white vinegar and water, scrub the affected area, and then rinse.
  • For rust stains, you may need a specialized rust remover. Be sure to follow the provided instructions carefully.
  • Organic stains can be treated with a mild detergent or specialized outdoor cleaner.
Need a Specialized Rust Remover

Algae Removal:

  • Drain the fountain and remove loose algae.
  • Scrub algae-prone areas with a mild detergent solution or algaecide.
  • Rinse thoroughly to remove residue.
  • Consider preventive measures like algaecides or water treatments.

Recommended Cleaning Agents:

Choose the suitable cleaning agents for safe and effective fountain cleaning:

White Vinegar:

  • Removes mineral deposits and stains.
  • Mix with water in equal parts for a gentle cleaning solution.

Mild Liquid Detergent:

  • Safe for most fountain materials.
  • Use for organic stains and general cleaning; avoid harsh chemicals.

Rust Remover:

  • They are designed explicitly for rust stains.
  • Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions diligently.


  • Prevent and address the issue of algae buildup.
  • Ensure it’s safe for aquatic life and compatible with your fountain.

Baking Soda:

  • Use as a gentle abrasive for stain and deposit removal.
  • Make a paste with water, apply it, scrub, and then rinse.
  • Always follow manufacturer instructions and test a small area before widespread use to avoid damage. Regular maintenance with these safe agents will preserve your outdoor fountain’s appearance.

Rinsing the Fountain Thoroughly:

Turn Off the Fountain:

Prioritize safety by ensuring it’s disconnected from the power source.

Prepare Clean Water:

Fill a bucket or container with fresh, clean water for rinsing.

Surface Rinsing:

  • Use a gentle spray nozzle on a hose or a clean, damp cloth to rinse the exterior and interior surfaces.
  • Focus on areas cleaned with agents to remove all residue.
  • Interior Rinsing:
  • If components were removed (e.g., pump), rinse them separately in clean water.
  • Ensure no soap or debris remains on these parts.

Inspect for Residue:

  • Look for signs of soap residue, stains, or lingering debris.
  • Keep rinsing until the water runs clear, and the surface feels thoroughly clean.

Drain Excess Water:

Allow any excess water to drain from the fountain by tipping it gently or using a sponge or cloth.

Allow Any Excess Water to Drain

Thoroughly Dry:

Let the fountain air dry completely to ensure no residual moisture or cleaning agents remain.

Refilling with Clean Water:

Turn On the Fountain:

Reconnect the fountain to the power source and confirm that it functions correctly.

Use Fresh Water:

  • Refill the basin with fresh, clean water.
  • Consider distilled water if your area has hard or mineral-rich water.

Monitor Water Level:

Regularly check the appropriate water level as fountains lose water through evaporation.

Check for Functionality:

  • Observe the fountain’s operation with clean water.
  • Ensure the pump functions correctly and water flows smoothly.

Establish a Maintenance Routine:

Following these steps for rinsing and refilling your outdoor fountain will help maintain its cleanliness and functionality, allowing you to enjoy the soothing ambience it adds to your outdoor space.

Inspecting the Pump and Filters:

Regular inspection of the pump and filters in your outdoor fountain is crucial for ensuring proper functionality. Here’s how to inspect them:

Turn Off the Fountain: Begin by disconnecting the fountain from the power source to prioritize safety.

Access the Pump and Filters: Depending on your fountain’s design, you may need to remove decorative elements, stones, or access panels to reach the pump and filters.

Inspect the Pump:

  • Inspect the pump for any signs of damage or wear, such as cracks, loose connections, or debris stuck in the impeller.
  • Verify that the power cord and plug are in good condition, free from fraying or exposed wires.
  • Examine the pump’s intake for clogs or debris that might restrict water flow.

Check the Filters:

  • If your fountain has a filter system, inspect the filters for dirt, debris, or algae buildup. Remove the filters for closer examination.
  • Rinse the filters with clean water to remove any trapped particles. If they are severely clogged or damaged, contemplate replacing them with new components, adhering to the manufacturer’s guidelines.
Remove Any Trapped Particles

Reassemble and Test: After inspecting and cleaning, reassemble any components you removed and then reconnect the power source. Turn on the fountain to test the pump and filters for proper operation.

Troubleshooting Tips for Common Issues:

Here are some troubleshooting tips for standard pump and filter issues in outdoor fountains:

Pump Not Running:

  • Verify that the power source is connected and ensure that the circuit breaker or GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) is not tripped. 
  • Also, inspect the power cord and plug for any signs of damage.
  • Ensure that the pump is correctly submerged and not obstructed by debris.

Low Water Flow:

Clean the pump’s intake and impeller to remove any clogs or debris that may reduce water flow.

Check the water level in the fountain basin; low water can affect the pump’s performance.

Noise or Vibration:

  • If the pump makes unusual noises or vibrates excessively, it may be misaligned or have a loose component. Check for these issues and adjust or tighten as needed.
  • Ensure that the pump is securely seated in its designated location.

Filter Clogs:

  • If the filters clog frequently, think about installing a pre-filter or skimmer to capture larger debris before it reaches the main filter.
  • Clean the filters regularly to prevent excessive clogging.

Algae Growth:

To address recurring algae growth, think about adding an algaecide or fountain water treatment to the water. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the correct dosage and application.

Water Leaks:

  • Inspect the pump’s connections and hoses for leaks. Tighten any loose connections and replace any damaged hoses.
  • Ensure that the fountain basin is not cracked or damaged, which can lead to water leakage.
  • Regular maintenance and timely troubleshooting can assist you in identifying and resolving pump and filter issues in your outdoor fountain, guaranteeing its continued smooth and efficient operation.
Tighten Any Loose Connections

Reconnecting Hoses and Turning the Power Back On:

Turn Off Power:

Ensure the fountain is powered off and disconnected from the electrical source.

Reconnect Hoses:

  • Reattach any hoses that were disconnected during cleaning or maintenance.
  • Ensure secure and tight hose connections to prevent leaks.

Inspect Components:

  • Check pump, filters, and hoses for proper alignment and placement.
  • Ensure no obstructions obstruct the pump’s intake or impeller.

Replace Decorative Elements:

  • If decorative elements or stones were removed, return them to their original positions.
  • Fill with Clean Water:
  • If the fountain is empty, refill it with fresh water to the desired level.
  • Consider using distilled water if hard water is prevalent in your area.

Check for Leaks:

Before restoring power, inspect all connections, hoses, and the basin for signs of leaks.

Address any leaks promptly.

Importance of Checking for Proper Functionality:

Ensuring proper functionality after reconnecting hoses and restoring power is essential for several reasons:


Confirms safety by reducing the risk of electrical or water-related accidents.


Ensures efficient operation, including a well-functioning pump, smooth water flow, and absence of unusual noises or vibrations.

Damage Prevention:

Prevents further damage to the fountain or its components by identifying and addressing issues promptly.

Water Quality:

Maintains water quality, preventing stagnation, algae growth, and poor circulation.


This provides a serene and pleasant ambiance, featuring the calming visual and auditory experience of flowing water.


Extends the fountain’s lifespan, saving on replacement costs through regular maintenance and functionality checks.

Extends the Fountain's Lifespan

By taking these steps, you can enjoy the full benefits of your outdoor fountain with confidence in its safety, efficiency, and longevity.

Regular Maintenance Routines:

Weekly Debris Removal:

Use a net or skimmer to clear surface debris like leaves and twigs, preventing clogs and pump damage.

Monthly Cleaning:

Clean the fountain’s surface and interior to prevent stains, algae growth, and mineral deposits.

Quarterly Pump Inspection:

  • Inspect the pump and filters for debris, wear, or damage.
  • Clean or replace filters as required.
  • Ensure the pump functions correctly.

Water Level Monitoring:

Frequently monitor and adjust the water level to account for evaporation, particularly in warm climates.

Seasonal Maintenance:

Water Treatment:

I nclude recommended water treatments, algaecides, or additives to preserve water clarity and deter the growth of algae.

Visual Inspection:

Periodically inspect the fountain for cracks, chips, or wear and address issues promptly.

Gentle Cleaning:

Use gentle cleaning agents, soft brushes, and cloths to avoid damaging delicate materials.

Benefits of Keeping the Fountain Clean:

Regular maintenance and a clean fountain offer several benefits:

  • Longevity: Extends the fountain’s lifespan, reducing replacement costs.
  • Efficiency: Promotes energy-efficient operation, reducing wear on pump and filters.
  • Water Quality: Maintaining clean, clear water enhances the environment’s appeal.
  • Aesthetics: This improves the overall appearance of your outdoor area.
  • Reliability: Reduces the risk of unexpected breakdowns or malfunctions.
  • Safety: Minimizes safety hazards and ensures a secure outdoor space.
  • Peace of Mind: Provides confidence in the fountain’s condition.
  • Increased Property Value: Adds value and curb appeal to your property.
  • Enjoyment: Creates a relaxing and inviting outdoor atmosphere for your enjoyment.
Curb Appeal to Your Property

By adhering to these maintenance routines and enjoying the benefits of a clean and well-maintained outdoor fountain, you can enhance your outdoor space and create a tranquil and appealing environment.


To sum it up, keeping your outdoor fountain clean is crucial for maintaining its beauty and functionality. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can efficiently clean your fountain and ensure it continues to be a refreshing and attractive centerpiece in your outdoor area.

Regular cleaning not only prevents algae and debris buildup but also prolongs the life of your fountain, allowing you to enjoy its soothing sights and sounds for years to come. So, roll up your sleeves and get ready how to clean an outdoor fountain the care it deserves, enhancing the overall ambience of your outdoor area.

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