How to Store Patio Furniture in Garage

As the warm months come to a close and the chilly winds signal the arrival of winter, it’s time to bid farewell to outdoor living and prepare for the colder season. One crucial aspect of this transition is storing your beloved patio furniture safely and securely.

If you put outdoor furniture in the garage the right way, it will stay in great shape and be ready to use when the sun comes back out. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of how to store patio furniture in garage, ensuring they stay protected from the harsh elements.

Why Should I Store Patio Furniture in Garage

Storing patio furniture in a garage or indoors during certain periods, such as during harsh weather or when not in use for extended periods, can help protect the furniture and extend its lifespan. Here are some reasons why storing patio furniture in a garage or indoors is beneficial:

  1. Protection from the Elements: Storing your patio furniture indoors, especially during severe weather conditions like heavy rain, snow, or extreme heat, helps protect it from potential damage caused by exposure to these elements. Rain and snow can cause wooden furniture to warp, metal furniture to rust, and cushions to become moldy.
  1. Preventing Fading: Sunlight can cause fading and degradation of the materials used in patio furniture, such as cushions, fabrics, and finishes. Storing them indoors when not in use can help preserve their appearance.
  1. Avoiding Wind Damage: Strong winds during storms can blow lightweight patio furniture around, potentially causing damage or creating safety hazards. Storing furniture indoors can prevent this.
  1. Minimizing Theft and Vandalism: Storing patio furniture indoors reduces the risk of theft and vandalism, especially if you live in an area with security concerns.
  1. Extended Lifespan: By protecting your patio furniture from the elements, you can extend its lifespan and reduce the need for frequent replacements, ultimately saving you money in the long run.
  2. Ready for Immediate: Us Storing furniture indoors allows you to keep it clean and ready for use at any time. You won’t need to clean or repair it as often, making it convenient for impromptu gatherings or events.
  1. Preserving Comfort and Aesthetics: Storing cushions and other soft elements indoors prevents them from becoming damp or dirty, maintaining their comfort and appearance.
Make Sure the Furniture is Clean and Dry

However, it’s important to make sure the furniture is clean and dry before putting it away indoors. Putting away damp furniture can lead to problems with mold and mildew. Additionally, some types of furniture are specifically designed for outdoor use and are more weather-resistant, which means they can withstand outdoor conditions more effectively.

Step-by-step Guide on How to Store Patio Furniture in Garage

Storing patio furniture in the garage is an essential step to protect it from harsh weather conditions and ensure its longevity. Follow this step-by-step guide to safely store your patio furniture during the off-season:

1. Preparing the Garage

Before you start bringing in your patio furniture, take some time to clean and organize your garage. Remove any unnecessary clutter and create ample space to accommodate the furniture. Consider installing shelves or hooks to make the most of vertical space. Additionally, it’s crucial to weatherproof your garage to prevent moisture from seeping in and causing damage to your furniture during storage.

2. Gathering Supplies

To store your patio furniture properly, you’ll need a few essential supplies. Invest in high-quality protective covers that fit your furniture snugly, safeguarding them from dust, moisture, and debris. Use padding and cushion storage to prevent any wear and tear on delicate cushions and fabrics. Having the right cleaning supplies on hand will also help you prepare your furniture before storage and maintain it throughout the off-season.

3. Disassembling Patio Furniture (if applicable)

Disassembling It Can Save Valuable Space

If your patio furniture is modular or foldable, disassembling it can save valuable space and make the storage process more efficient. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines to disassemble each piece carefully. Remember to label and store any hardware separately to ensure smooth reassembly later.

4. Cleaning the Furniture

Before stowing away your patio furniture, it’s essential to give it a thorough cleaning. Different materials require different cleaning procedures. Use a solution of light soap and water to clean wood furniture. To get rid of rust and stains on metal furniture, use a solution of vinegar and water. You can clean wicker furniture with a soft brush and soapy water. By cleaning your furniture before storage, you can stop dirt and grime from building up and keep it in perfect condition.

5. Protecting Cushions and Fabrics

Outdoor cushions are particularly susceptible to mold and mildew, especially when stored in humid environments. Start by washing and thoroughly drying the cushions. Once they are completely dry, vacuum-seal them to create an airtight barrier against moisture. Alternatively, you can use moisture absorbers to keep the area around the cushions dry and mold-free.

6. Organizing the Garage Space

Maximize the space in your garage by arranging furniture strategically. Set up different areas for different kinds of furniture, like tables, chairs, and seats. Utilize shelves, hooks, and racks to keep smaller accessories and décor items organized. By organizing your garage efficiently, you’ll have easier access to your patio furniture when it’s time to use it again.

7. Wrapping and Covering Furniture

After cleaning and organizing your patio furniture, it’s time to wrap and cover it for storage. Use the protective covers you purchased earlier to shield the furniture from dust and moisture. For pieces that are more fragile, you might want to wrap them in blankets to give them an extra layer of protection. Remember to allow for some ventilation to prevent mold growth.

 Use the Protective Covers

8. Storing Small Patio Accessories

Small patio accessories like tableware and decorations should also be carefully stored. Use buckets and bins to keep things neat and easy to find when you need them. Labeling each container makes it easy to find out what’s inside and saves time looking later.

Tips for Storing Specific Patio Furniture Types

Different patio furniture materials require specific care and storage considerations. For wooden furniture, apply a coat of protective sealant before storing it to prevent damage from fluctuating humidity levels. For metal furniture, ensure it is thoroughly dry before covering it to avoid rust formation. Wicker furniture should be kept somewhere dry and cool so it doesn’t get weak.

Dealing with Special Considerations

Certain factors may require extra attention during patio furniture storage. If you store cushions separately, remember to label them correctly to match the corresponding furniture piece. Additionally, consider using natural pest deterrents like cedar chips to protect your furniture from potential pests during storage.

Maintenance and Inspection

Even during storage, your patio furniture requires occasional maintenance. Check for signs of damage or mold growth on a regular basis. Perform necessary maintenance tasks, such as tightening screws or applying fresh sealant, to keep your furniture in top-notch condition.

Alternative Storage Options

If your garage lacks sufficient space, consider using sheds or dedicated outdoor storage units. Alternatively, make use of overhead storage solutions to free up more floor space. Regardless of the option you choose, ensure the storage environment is dry and well-ventilated.

Tips for Seasonal Transition

Give It a Thorough Inspection and Cleaning

As winter fades away and spring arrives, it’s time to retrieve your patio furniture from storage. Before placing the furniture back in your outdoor space, give it a thorough inspection and cleaning. Replace any damaged cushions or covers, and make any necessary repairs to ensure your furniture is ready for the upcoming season.

Frequently asked questions

Q.1 Can I Leave My Patio Furniture Outside All Year Round? 

While some patio furniture is designed to withstand outdoor conditions, leaving it outside all year round can still lead to wear and tear. Extreme weather conditions like heavy rain, snow, or prolonged exposure to the sun can deteriorate the furniture over time. Storing it in the garage during the off-season is a good practice to extend its life.

Q.2 How Can I Protect My Patio Furniture From Pests in the Garage?

To deter pests from damaging your patio furniture, consider using pest repellents or mothballs in the garage. Additionally, make sure there are no food sources nearby that might attract pests.

Q.3 is There Anything I Should Avoid When Storing Patio Furniture in the Garage?

Avoid storing patio furniture near chemicals, flammable materials, or sharp objects that could potentially damage the furniture. Additionally, don’t overload the garage with too much weight, as it could cause structural damage.

Q.4 is It Ok to Leave Wooden Furniture Outside?

Leaving wooden furniture outside can be problematic, especially if the furniture is not specifically designed for outdoor use. While some types of wood, like teak, cedar, or redwood, are naturally more resistant to decay and insects, most wooden furniture is susceptible to damage from exposure to various weather conditions, such as rain, snow, sun, and humidity.

Q.5 Can I Stack My Patio Furniture in the Garage? 

Stacking furniture is acceptable for some materials, but not all. If you need to stack items, ensure that they are stable and won’t cause damage to each other. For example, avoid stacking metal chairs without some form of protection between them to prevent scratches.

Q.6 Can I Store Other Outdoor Items Along With My Patio Furniture in the Garage?

Organize and Stack Them Safely

Yes, you can store other outdoor items such as gardening tools, grill equipment, or sports gear in the garage along with your patio furniture. Just make sure to organize and stack them safely to maximize space and prevent any damage.

Remember, properly storing your patio furniture in the garage will help prolong its life and keep it in excellent condition for future use.


Storing patio furniture in the garage is a crucial step to preserve its beauty and longevity. By following the comprehensive steps and tips provided in this article on how to store patio furniture in garage, you can ensure your furniture remains in pristine condition during the off-season.

Taking the time to prepare and store your patio furniture correctly will pay off when the warm days return, and you can once again enjoy outdoor living to the fullest. If you take care of your outdoor furniture, it will last you for many years.

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